metabolic & hormone health

Natural hormone health.

Hormones play a crucial role in guiding your body's functions. Even a slight imbalance can lead to issues like fatigue, brain fog, weight fluctuations, acne, and more. At Revive Health, our clinicians collaborate with you to identify and restore the ideal hormonal equilibrium for your well-being.

Symptoms We Treat

Fatigue / PMS / Hair Loss / Low Libido / Anxiety / Temperature Sensitivity / Brain Fog / Irregular Menstrual Cycle / Acne / Insomnia / Weight Fluctuations / Thirst Or Hunger

In-Office & online Care

Hormone conditions that we treat at Revive Health.

  • An autoimmune condition where the immune system targets the thyroid gland. Our clinicians will recommend thyroid testing and subsequently design a holistic plan to assist you in reducing inflammation through dietary adjustments, stress management, and identifying supplements to promote thyroid health.

    Associated Symptoms: Brain Fog | Always Tired | Weight gain | Constipation | Dry skin | Hair loss | Cold Intolerance

  • A hormonal disorder characterized by enlarged ovaries with small cysts. Our clinicians will recommend specialized tests to diagnose PCOS and then create a comprehensive plan to address this condition. This plan may include dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, and targeted supplements to support hormonal balance and overall health.

    Associated Symptoms: Irregular Periods | Excess Hair Growth | Acne | Weight Gain | Fatigue | Mood Changes

  • Difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy. Our clinicians will explore potential underlying causes of infertility and develop a personalized plan to address these factors. This plan may involve hormonal balance, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and fertility-focused interventions to improve your chances of conception.

    Associated Symptoms: Difficulty Getting Pregnant | Irregular Menstrual Cycles | Hormonal Imbalances | Recurrent Miscarriages

  • A hormonal imbalance is characterized by insufficient testosterone levels in the body. Our clinicians will recommend specialized tests to diagnose low testosterone and then create a tailored plan to address this condition. This plan may include hormone replacement therapy, dietary adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and stress management techniques to optimize your overall well-being.

    Associated Symptoms: Low Libido | Fatigue | Erectile Dysfunction | Muscle Weakness | Mood Changes | Hair Loss

  • A condition characterized by irregular functioning of the adrenal glands, which can lead to hormonal imbalances. Our clinicians will suggest specialized tests to diagnose adrenal dysfunction and then develop a comprehensive plan to address this condition. This plan may include lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, dietary adjustments, and targeted supplements to support adrenal health.

    Associated Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue | Anxiety | Weight Changes | Insomnia | Irritability | Digestive Issues | Muscle Weakness

  • A metabolic condition where cells in your body do not effectively respond to insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Our clinicians will recommend specific tests for insulin resistance and then create a holistic plan to manage this condition. This plan may include dietary adjustments, exercise recommendations, and targeted supplements to improve insulin sensitivity.

    Associated Symptoms: Weight Gain | Fatigue | Frequent Hunger | High Blood Sugar | Brain Fog | Skin Issues | Increased Thirst

  • A hormonal condition where your body does not appropriately respond to the hormone leptin, which regulates appetite and metabolism. Our clinicians will suggest specialized tests for leptin resistance and then develop a comprehensive plan to address this issue. This plan may include lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and stress management strategies to improve leptin sensitivity.

    Associated Symptoms: Increased Appetite | Weight Gain | Difficulty Losing Weight | Insulin Resistance | Cravings | Low Energy | Sleep Problems

After struggling with a range of symptoms that seemed to take over my life, I finally decided to seek help. I was experiencing fatigue, low energy, mood swings, and a general sense of feeling unlike myself. It turns out, I had low testosterone!!! Working with the team at Revive Health has been a game-changer. They identified the issue, provided personalized treatment, and supported me every step of the way. I can't express how grateful I am to be feeling like myself again. If you're experiencing similar symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to Revive Health – they truly make a difference.

Justin t

Curious for more information? Let’s connect.

Our Revive Health advisors are here to address all your questions. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute call today.

The Revive Health Experience

We explore and uncover all aspects of your health and bring balance back to each system.

Comprehensive screening

We gather extensive information about your physiology and medical history, offering a wide array of testing options, including thyroid panels and gut microbiome analysis.

holistic approach

Your customized treatment plan encompasses the enhancement of gut health, supplementation, improvements in sleep patterns, stress reduction, physical activity, dietary adjustments, and more.

Passionate support

Your care team consists of a medical provider, health coach, nutritionist, and care coordinator committed to assisting you in implementing lifestyle modifications.