Neurodevelopmental Delays in Children 

Rediscover potential in your child's development.

Neurodevelopmental delays can significantly impact a child's growth, learning, and social interactions, leaving parents searching for answers. At Revive Health, we're committed to investigating the root causes of these delays and working towards restoring your child's potential and well-being.

Delayed Milestones / Sensory Processing Difficulties / Poor Coordination / Learning Difficulties / Speech Delays / Poor Concentration / Social Challenges / Primitive Reflex Integration / Autism Spectrum / ADHD

Neurodevelopmental delays can manifest through a range of symptoms:

Helping children overcome challenges and thrive through functional neurology.

Watching a child deeply engaged in learning is wonderful! Learning involves both their bodies and minds, opening up endless possibilities. Every child is unique, with their own strengths and challenges. Sometimes, learning can be tough if a child's body or mental skills aren't fully developed, affecting their focus, behavior, and academic performance.

We take the time to understand your child's specific needs and work hard to enhance their ability to learn, think, and apply their skills. Through functional neurology, we've helped kids with developmental delays, learning disabilities, brain injuries, primitive reflexes, balance, and vestibular issues, and more!

In-Office & online Care

Our dedicated clinicians diagnose and treat various neurodevelopmental delays.

  • A diagnosis of ASD is commonly associated with learning problems, sensory-motor deficits, socially challenging behaviors, and trouble communicating. Our program uses physical, sensory, and cognitive activities to build stronger brain connections.

  • Our holistic program helps improve focus and daily functioning by engaging the brain and body through cognitive brain training, sensorimotor exercises, and nutritional guidance.

  • We address the unique symptoms of dyslexia through personalized activities designed to strengthen brain connections and improve cognitive tasks and executive functioning.

  • Our approach involves understanding and addressing the struggles associated with OCD, using activities that help build new brain connections.

  • We help children with learning disabilities by creating customized programs that address deficits in functions or skills through physical, sensory, and cognitive activities.

  • Our neuro-motor rehabilitation helps improve coordination and balance, addressing the under-developed muscular system in children with DCD. Almost every child with developmental delays has an under-developed muscular system and struggles with coordination and balance. We utilize neuro-motor rehabilitation for these systems to create stronger brains and bodies!

  • We help children manage stress and mood by strengthening brain connectivity, improving attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

  • Our program helps manage defiant or impulsive behavior by focusing on neurological weaknesses and building brain connectivity.

  • We help children with auditory, visual, and sensory processing disorders through tailored programs that improve brain connectivity and sensory integration, allowing for better information processing and daily functioning.

Tailored solutions for your child’s unique needs.

Learn more about how we can
help your child thrive.

Our Revive Health advisors are here to address all your questions.
Schedule a complimentary 15-minute call today.

What people are saying

My son had been struggling with reading issues, visual fatigue, hand dominance confusion, balance, and coordination issues for years. It seemed like an endless battle, and we couldn't find the right help. When we turned to Revive Health, they identified the underlying issues and provided us with a comprehensive plan to address them. The improvement we've seen in him is truly life-changing. Not only did they help my son, but they also supported our entire family. We had been searching for answers for years and finally found them at Revive.


We Are Committed to Your Child's Developmental Journey

Comprehensive Screening

We conduct thorough assessments of your child's development and medical history, offering an array of diagnostic tests, including evaluations of primitive reflex integration and assessments of sensory processing.

A Holistic Approach

Your child's individualized treatment plan encompasses enhancing developmental processes. This includes addressing sensory issues, offering targeted therapeutic interventions, improving coordination, sensory integration, dietary recommendations, and more.

Dedicated Support

Your child's care team consists of pediatric specialists, developmental therapists, nutritionists, and care coordinators who are committed to assisting you in nurturing your child's unique developmental journey.